Our History
National Service Foundation > About NSF > Our History
Incorporated in 1931 as Disabled American Veterans Service Foundation, the DAV National Service Foundation was established to assist in raising funds for the service initiatives of the DAV National Organization. The Foundation initially served to ensure that DAV’s National Service Program and other service initiatives would always be available for veterans of every era of conflict. Over the years, the Foundation’s role has expanded and adapted to reflect the ever-changing needs of veterans.
In 1986, a new organization was incorporated in the District of Columbia and the organization formerly known as Disabled American Veterans Service Foundation was renamed to Disabled American Veterans National Service Foundation.
Since initiation, the Foundation has continued its identity as a separate nonprofit organization, maintaining its primary focus on direct services for veterans who come home from military service sick or injured. In this way, it has become a strong partner of the DAV in our mission to empower veterans to lead high quality lives with respect and dignity.
The DAV National Service Foundation is exempt from tax under Title 26 U.S.C., Section 501©(4). Contributions made to the Foundation are tax deductible pursuant to Title 26 U.S.C., Section 170©.